Savvy Senior: Best Medical Alert Systems You Don’t Have to Wear

A white Alexa Smart Device sits on a wooden desk

Dear Savvy Senior, Are there any monitored medical alert devices that you know of that don’t require pushing a wearable help button? My 82-year-old father, who lives alone, has fallen twice during the past year but doesn’t like wearing an SOS pendant button. Searching Daughter Dear Searching, Yes, there are actually several monitored medical alert…

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Savvy Senior: How Does Medicare Cover Preventive Health Services?

William Henry Harrison Reddick stands proudly in his military uniform against a backdrop of a clear blue sky, embodying the valor and courage of a true hero.

Dear Savvy Senior, How does Medicare cover preventive health screenings? I’m due to get a physical and a colonoscopy this year, but I want to find out what I’ll have to pay for before I go in. Just Turned 65 Dear Just Turned, You’ll be happy to know that Medicare covers a wide array of…

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Savvy Senior: Retirement Planning Tips for Single Women

Dear Savvy Senior,What retirement planning tips can you recommend to single women? I’m a divorced 58-year-old women with a teenaged son and have very little saved for retirement.Financially Vulnerable Dear Vulnerable,It’s an unfortunate reality, but many single women – whether they’re divorced, widowed or never married – face much greater financial challenges in retirement than…

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